2 people killed, 5 injured in Quebec stabbing incident

In Quebec, Canada, two people were killed as a man dressed in medieval costume and carrying a sword stabbed them on October 31. The attack happened in the ancient Old Quebec vicinity.

On the night of the attack, five other people were harmed. The suspect was detained on Sunday before 01:00.

According to the police investigation, the suspect is not linked to any extremist groups. The arrested person’s identity has not been revealed to the public yet.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau tweeted: “My heart breaks for the loved ones of the two killed in last night’s horrific attack in Quebec City. I’m also wishing a full recovery to the injured. We’re keeping you in our thoughts and will be there for all of you.”

He expressed his gratitude towards the frontline emergency workers and thanked them for their quick work.

Press Conference in Quebec

Quebec City Police Chief Robert Pigeon addressed a news conference on Sunday, where he mentioned that they suspect the attack to be premeditated. He further said that the detainee was from the Montreal suburbs and had the intention of inflicting the maximum harm.


“Dressed in medieval costume and armed with a Japanese sword, everything leads us to believe he chose his victims at random,” Mr Pigeon quoted.

The accused said that he conducted an attack five years ago, however there was no police record of the same and it was unknown to the police. The first report of the incident came before 22:30 on Saturday. The attack happened near the city’s national assembly.

The arrest

The arrest was made near the Espace 400e business park.

It was reported that he surrendered to the police and did not resist. He was found lying on the ground, barefoot and hypothermic, when the police detained him.

The accused was taken to the hospital for an analysis after he was detained.

The five other victims of the attack are also in the hospital, being looked after their injuries. The details of the victims have not been revealed either.

Media and journalists at the site have posted pictures on Twitter of the police command in front of the Quebec’s Parliament Building.

Quebec City police official Étienne Doyon extended “sincerest condolences to the loved ones and families of the people who died” at the news conference that took place on Sunday.

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