“Attack On Titan” is one of the best anime series ever made. The first part of the fourth season of this anime has been released and the second part is awaited.
“Attack On Titan” Season 4: Release Date
This manga series made its debut in April 2013 and has entertained us with four seasons. The first episode of “Attack On Titan” Season 4 Part 1 was dropped on December 7, 2020.
The first part of the fourth season had 16 episodes with the sixteenth episode dropping on March 29, 2021. Although it was supposed to release way back in mid-2020 due to the pandemic outbreak the project got delayed. Looking at the plotline of the series the fourth season will have another section.
As per the makers, the second part of the fourth season is still in the making. There are high chances that “Attack On Titan” Season 4 Part 2 will release somewhere in mid-2022.
“Attack On Titan” Season 4: Plot
This anime series sheds light on the life of Eren Jaeger who is basically a normal boy but a tragedy drove him to take up a very intense task. “Attack On Titans” is basically set in a specific era when the world used to be a different place.
Actually, at the time a specific race of demons known as the titans were spreading terror in the world. And our protagonist Eren’s mother also died a horrific death at the hands of those demons. Shattered by what happened Eren decided to wipe out every trace of the titans from the world.
This anime series is basically a tale of revenge. The first part of the fourth series ended with the military forces all set to capture Eren or maybe kill him. On the other hand, Eren is adamant about his decision to fight the titans. So the second part will finally tell us Eren’s fate.
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