Charmed Season 3: gets release soon

Charmed series has finally completed 2 season and soon we are going to get season. The last season of the series Charmed ended very soon and that was also not expected, due the pandemic situation the team had to shut down production.

anyway the series has not ended yet, there a lot of things are waiting for us. the Season 2 finale seemed to take it away in its final moments. Whether Harry Greenwood’s (Rupert Evans) decision to ask Maggie Vera (Sarah Jeffery) to erase his feelings for Macy Vaughn (Madeleine Mantock) will stick, remains to be seen, but the answers will be revealed to us shortly.

Charmed Season 3Charmed Season 3

Charmed season 3 release date

So, here is the most awaited news, within few days the series is going to get release. Due to pandemic it took a bit longer but now they are finally ready with everything. Charmed’ Season 3 will premiere on The CW on Sunday, January 24, 2021, at 9/8c. So, fans gear up to watch your favorite series on your screen.

Charmed was a bit of a mess in its second season, which saw Mel, Macy, and Maggie completely uprooted from their home in the fictional Hilltowne to Seattle, where they took refuge in the Elders lair hidden in the co-working space that was aptly titled Safe Space.

Charmed Season 3Charmed Season 3

Harry took center stage in the new season when it was revealed that he had a Darklighter, aka Jimmy. The main villains of Season 2 were the Faction, a group of people who wanted to control magic for their own. Vivienne Laurent (Melinda McGraw) and her nephew, Julian Shea (Eric Balfour) are at the leadership of the Faction, however, Julian’s involvement seemed reluctant as he has feelings for Macy.

In this season we are going to watch something new and exciting. the Charmed ones are going to face some new problem and terror which is totally unknown. It is going to be like the death to all magic.

The series a group of talented people, all are master in it. Even we can expect to get some new casts as well. So, the casting includes Melonie Diaz, Madeleine Mantock, Sarah Jeffery, Rupert Evans and many more.

Also read: Anime series Attack on Titans season 4 officially on stream on Netflix US and Japan.

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