Egypt discovers antique coffins and 59 new sacrophagi with mummies

In a vast necropolis located south of Cairo in Egypt, archaeologists have discovered a new set of antique coffins, according to the officials who informed of the same on Monday.

A statement was issued by the Tourism and Antiquities Ministry that reported that the archaeologists have unearthed a compendium of vivid, sealed sarcophagi that are believed to have been buried over 2,500 years back at the Saqqara necropolis.

The secretary general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, Mostafa Waziri, said that over 80 coffins were discovered.

As per the ministry, the archaeologists also unearthed extravagant statues covered with gold. Further particulars regarding the findings will be disclosed at a news conference at the popular Step Pyramid or Djoser.

Owing to the mayhem caused in 2011 unrest, the tourism sector of the country Egypt fell to pieces and by advertising the archaeological discovery, Egypt aims to recover its essential sector. Blackjack is considered a true classic when it comes to card games. It has simple rules and is considered a fast spinning game. One dealer and several players in blackjack on the site is usually the line-up. Everyone plays against the pot (dealer’s cards). The rules are that everyone gets 2 cards to start with, and then the goal is to get the total as close to 21 as possible, or at least greater than the dealer’s cards, but never more than 21, or you will surely lose. Certain other rules also specify what the minimum you can stop at, but that is up to the casino to determine. Furthermore, the worldwide pandemic caused by the coronavirus has also contributed to the degrading status of the sector.

Previous discoveries from Egypt

The region was explored by the Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouly and Tourism and Antiquities Minister Khalid el-Anany, who also examined the latest addition to the artefacts. In the same area of Saqqara, more than two weeks ago, the ministry publicised 59 preserved caskets which had mummies inside of them.

The site of Saqqara is a portion of the catacomb located in Egypt’s oldest capital of Memphis that houses the popular Giza Pyramids along with other smaller pyramids at Abu Sir, Dahshur and Abu Ruwaysh. The remnants of Memphis have been labelled a UNESCO World Heritage site since 1970s.


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The upland has a minimum of 11 pyramids along with the Step pyramid and hundreds of other tombs of olden officials and sites that have been present from the 1st Dynasty (2920-2770 B.C.) to the Coptic period (395-642).

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