Joe Biden Is Not Ready For Another Debate Until Trump Fully Recovers From COVID-19

Presidential candidate Joe Biden has given a cryptic statement on being asked about second Presidential debate with Trump.

Joe Biden Says Another Debate Will Be Held Only If Trump Recovers

Joe BidenJoe Biden

The United States is gearing up for the upcoming Presidential elections. And Presidential debate is a primary part of it. The first round of the debate is over and now the nation is gearing up for another face-off between Biden and Trump.

Everything was going as planned but then Trump tested positive for Coronavirus. Although he has defeated the virus and is back to the White House Joe Biden seems to be a little doubtful about it. As the second debate is scheduled for October 15, Biden has given a cryptic statement on it.

As he said that he is not ready for debate until and unless Trump is declared fully COVID-19 free. Moreover, he also added that he does not know how Trump is doing as of now. But he wants the debate only if Trump is fit and does not pose any threat. Apart from that Biden has also stated that even during the debate, Trump should follow the safety protocols.

And with this statement, he took a sly dig at Trump and his series of protocol violations.

Trump And His Violation Of COVID-19 Protocols

We all know that Trump and COVID-19 protocols do not go hand in hand. There are a series of instances when Trump actually made the citizens feel that COVID-19 is not anything serious.

Joe BidenJoe Biden

Right from the beginning, he has been reluctant to put on the face mask. And has not even urged the citizens to do so. We tough that his perspective would change if he encounters the disease. But even that did not help!

Despite being admitted to the hospital because of COVID-19 complications, Trump still violates the safety protocols. From meeting his supporters outside the hospital to removing his mask after returning to the White House Trump has done it all. Therefore it is natural for Biden to worry about Trump’s casual attitude towards the deadly disease.

This might interest you: Joe Biden Is On A 57-41 Lead Against Trump, Shows Latest CNN Poll

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