Maci Currin: The girl with the world record for longest legs

For an average person, while mapping the human body proportion, we see that legs make up for about half of the body. But Maci Currin isn’t our average woman, is she? Her legs constitute over 60% of her total height.

Maci Currin is a 17-year-old girl, who lives in Cedar Park, Texas. She smashed two Guinness World Records: for possessing the longest legs for a female and an additional one for an adolescent with the longest legs. As informed by Guinness, there is a slight difference between the heights of both her legs, while the left leg is more than 53 inches long, the right one is 52.874 inches long.

Maci CurrinMaci Currin

Maci Currin’s Family

Currin’s mother realized that her daughter was taller than most of her classmates early on, as she talks about the same in a video publicized on the group’s YouTube channel.

“I guess there’s some kind of gene in there that gives her that tallness,” her mother stated in the video.

Currin has a height of 6-foot-10 inches. She has a family of tall members with her father being 6-foot-5 inches, 6-foot-4 inches tall brother and her mother being 5-foot-7 inches.

Maci CurrinMaci Currin

“Around sophomore year, I just stopped caring what people thought of me,” Currin said to Guinness. “And once I just stopped caring, I wasn’t affected by anything.”

Maci Currin’s social presence

Currin has been using her social media to motivate and encourage other people to accept and be proud of their height. She has over 1.7 million followers on TikTok and massive 50,000 followers on Instagram. She persistently posts relating to self-assurance and appearances of the body. She has a reach of millions of viewers for every video she posts.

She wants to assure women that their height is a gift and people should not be ashamed of how tall they are.

“I hope that tall women can see that height is a gift.”

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