Comedian Munawar Faruqui Granted Bail By Supreme Court

Stand Comedian Munawar Faruqui who was arrested on January 1, 2021, has been granted bail by the Supreme Court of India. He was arrested on allegations that his jokes offended Hindu religion.

Munawar Faruqui Granted Bail

Munawar FaruquiMunawar Faruqui

It was a big slap on democracy as well as the freedom of speech and expression when stand-up comic Munawar Faruqui was arrested for something that did not really happen.

The stand-up comedian just finished one of his shows in Indore when he was arrested on grounds of hurting Hindu sentiments during his act. Jailed from January 1, 2021, Munawar has been appealing to different courts for bail only to get rejected.

Munawar FaruquiMunawar Faruqui

Now after 35 days of being in lockup the Supreme Court finally granted him interim bail. Although he is still not free from all the allegations.

A Tight Slap To Democracy

Several well-known personalities and even common people have been protesting against his arrest. Because his arrest was something that should not have happened in a democratic country.

Munawar FaruquiMunawar Faruqui

Moreover, his arrest was based on assumptions as the police did not even care to verify the facts before arresting him. By no means did Munawar say anything that would hurt the sentiments of any religion be it Hinduism, Islam, Christianity or any other.

He was just doing his job as a comedian when a person from the audience interrupted him. A son of BJP politician of Madhya Pradesh Eklavya Gaud spoke in between his act alleging him of hurting Hindu sentiments. Munawar and Gaud exchanged some words during the show and the Gaud left midway only to file a complaint against the comedian.

On the other hand, the police just did not care to check whether his jokes were really offensive or not but ended up arresting him, just because the complaint was filed by a politician’s son.

This was an example of hypocrisy and was indeed an insult to the freedom of speech and expression.

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