Anime series like “My Hero Academia” has never failed to live up to our expectations. Since 2016 this manga series has been filling our lives with thrill and entertainment. The fifth installment of the series is currently on air and is getting great responses.
“My Hero Academia” Season 6: Release Date
Anime series is something that you cannot help get addicted to especially when it is something like “My Hero Academia. The series debuted in 2016 and met a pathbreaking success.
Like many other animes, it is also adapted from a Japanese light novel that was published in 2014. Since 2016 we got back to back four seasons till 2019. And after a year-long break due to the pandemic, the fifth season finally aired in 2021. Its fifth season is currently being telecasted with the first episode dropping on March 27, 2021.
As for the sixth season, we know that it has always been inevitable. Because the novel from which it has been adapted has a lot of content to be adapted in the anime format. Although the makers are yet to officially announce the sixth season of My Hero Academia we know it is happening.
Some sources have revealed that the sixth season is expected to hit the screens by mid-2022. Let us wait for the makers to confirm if these rumors are true!
“My Hero Academia” Season 6: Plot
An anime series that deals with a world where everyone is blessed with certain supernatural skills or powers. But our protagonist Izuku Midoriya here is the odd one out because everyone has some power in a world he was born as an ordinary guy. He had no power and therefore had a troubled time growing up.
He was bullied since his childhood for being ordinary. Izuku’s only dream was to be like everyone else and get a superpower. His prayers don’t go unanswered as he gets power from a superhero who was impressed with his values and skills.
The previous seasons left us with Izuku undergoing harsh pieces of training to become a fully pledged superhero in hero school. The school is UA high. As of now predicting the plot of “My Hero Academia” Season 6 will not be quite right because the fifth season is still on the air.
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