“My Hero Academia” Season 6: Release Date, Plot And Other Updates

“My Hero Academia”, an immensely popular anime series has won our hearts since its release. Adapted from a light Manga novel by Kohei Horikoshi the series has been airing season-wise since 2016.

“My Hero Academia” Season 6: Release Date

The action fiction anime series “My Hero Academia” is such a treat to watch. The novel by Kohei Horikoshi from which it was adapted came out in 2014.

And looking at its massive success the present creators of the series decided to adapt it in an audiovisual format in 2016. Since then the series has not looked back.

The anime has been aired in many countries and is absolutely loved by people of all age. Till 2019 we got four phenomenal seasons of this action fiction anime. Also, another season was set to drop in 2020 it was delayed to the pandemic crisis everywhere in the world.

After a year, it was in March 2021 when the fifth instalment released. As we know, the series releases episode wise and hence even the fifth season is dropping each episode in its decided schedule. Now that we are enjoying the fifth season, deep down our hearts want the sixth instalment as well.

And those of you who have read the original manga might know that the entire plotline has not been adopted till now. At least not till the fifth season. Therefore there are high chances that the sixth season will be there. Although not officially announced, we can expect the sixth instalment to come out in 2022 if there are no delays.

“My Hero Academia” Season 6: Plot

Izuki Midoroya struggles to prove himself in a world with everyone having a special ability. And the abilities are somewhat kind of supernatural powers.

He is the only one who was not naturally born with it. Hence he became the laughing stock of the place he belongs to. Getting bullied by friends, judged by the neighbours were a part of his daily life.

But one thing was true: Izuki was a well-behaved and hardworking boy who wanted to help everyone around him. And that nature of him earned him a fortune. Once a superhero happened to notice him and his great wisdom and virtue. He was impressed by it and gave Izuki some powers and also got him enrolled in the Superhero Academy.

Currently, we know that Izuki is a part of that school and is being trained. And the fifth season is focusing on that and based on the ending of season five we will be able to predict the sixth season of “My Hero Academia”.

Also read: “Money Heist” Season 5: Release Date, Plot And Other Updates

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