The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel revolves around the story of a Jewish woman aspiring to be comedian in the late 1950s. You can imagine the type of humor portrayed...
A possible takeover is in the cards as Kotak Mahindra Bank ltd. is looking to acquire IndusInd bank ltd, as informed by two people familiar with the...
Shaktikanta Das, the governor of Reserve bank of India, aged 63, has been tested positive for coronavirus. He informed this news on twitter. He also conveyed...
On Sunday, a national state of emergency was announced by Spain along with a curfew for the whole country excluding the Canary Islands, to cap the spread of...
Starting from 2014, Gotham has been one of FOX’s highest rated dramas. Fans have been waiting eagerly for the sixth season of this DC-based story. In the end...
The police officer responsible for taking the life of an unarmed Black teenager and injuring the man’s 20-year-old girlfriend while halting them at a traffic...
According to the country’s top security consultant, Coast Guard ships for patrolling will be deployed by the United States in the western Pacific to counteract...
A massive amount of $114 million was awarded to a whistle-blower by SEC for tipping off the government to misconduct and offered assistance in an enquiry as...
The hit show based on the characters of the Archie comics will be back for yet another smashing season. Riverdale has everything from mystery and drama to...
The fans of Cobra Kai are about to rejoice as the release date of the next instalment of this hit show is in the know. The show started as a YouTube Red...