“Lucifer” first premiered on Fox Tv in 2016. It was from the fourth season in 2019 when Netflix took over the series. The fifth season of this...
Netflix’s comedy-drama series “Emily In Paris” has won millions of hearts of this beautiful concept. Our screens were blessed with the first...
If you are an avid web series lover, you have surely heard of Netflix’s “Stranger Things”! Because it is one of the best supernatural series...
The crime thriller series is a treat to watch especially if it’s something like “Ozark”. Since its debut in 2017, it has entertained us with...
Brazil states like Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and other Brazilian suspended immunization of pregnant women with the coronavirus vaccine called AstraZeneca on...
Egypt government have ordered to release the squad of men accused of gang raping a young woman in a luxury hotel. The incident took place in the year of 2014...
Madagascar, the island nation has started has started its covid-19 vaccination programme. The region received the Astra Zeneca vaccines last week and just...
NASA’s spacecraft is coming to earth, it has started the journey of returning home on Monday. The journey will take two years for the robotic prospector...
One of the best Indian web series by Amazon Prime, “Mirzapur” has thoroughly entertained us with its two previous seasons. And now it is returning...
China has managed to launch the core module of ots space station, they have completed one task of their aim to complete the construction of the facility by the...