Colorado Avalanche Claims Lives Of 3 Skiers, Bodies Found

On the fateful day of February 1, 2021 three Colorado skiers lost their lives after crashing with a large avalanche. The skiers were a part of a group of seven in which the rest of the skiers managed to escape.

Three Colorado Skiers Die After Being Hit By An Avalanche


A group of seven skiers were on their mission to explore the high altitudes of “The Nose” region in Colorado on February 1, 2021. The high altitude region lies between two towns known as the Silverton and Ophir. But little did they know that their journey would be short-lived as they will encounter a deadly avalanche.

So while on a very high altitude a very large avalanche hit the skiers. Four of the skiers were caught directly under the debris whereas the rest managed to get a narrow escape.


Out of the four trapped skiers one of them managed to rescue himself with some major injuries. And after two days of search operations, it was finally confirmed that the other three skiers have lost their lives after being buried below 20 feet.

Rescue Team Is Trying To Move Their Bodies

Even though the bodies of the skiers have been found but the Colorado rescue officials have stated that as of now it is quite difficult to move their bodies.

Because they are 20 feet below the ground and due to heavy snowstorms and avalanches it is near to impossible now to go and bring their bodies back. The higher authorities have assured that their bodies would be removed safely after the weather returns to normal.

Because they cannot put the lives of the rescue workers at stake. Apart from that, the concerned authorities have also requested the other skiers to take necessary precautions while going on such missions because avalanches are very common in these areas and have claimed several lives so far.

n a statement released by the Office of Emergency Management, it mentioned about how avalanches have been claiming lives and due to the lack of enough prior warning about approaching avalanches, these fateful accidents cannot be prevented. 

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