Tight Security At Washington Airports And Hotels After Capitol Violence

After the Capitol violence on January 6, security has been tightened in several public places of Washington.

Security Tightened At Washington


The Capitol violence on January 6, 2021, shooked the entire United States. An angry mob of Trump supporters ignited violence and it claimed the lives of five people.

And now as the inauguration day for Joe Biden as the new President of United States is coming near, Washington has been put under strong security. Because whatever happened on January 6, can be repeated in the inauguration day on January 2020.


Therefore public places like airport, hotels have been kept under tight security and surveillance. The security has been especially increased for travellers coming from outer states and countries. Ahead of the inauguration day travellers are quite reluctant to visit the capital city fearing another attack or violence.

Thus airlines and hotel authorities are closely looking into the matter.

Hotels And Airlines Changes Security Policies

After the Capitol violence, there has been a major change in the security protocols in Washington airlines as well as hotels. Travellers coming to the city will have to adhere to all the security measures.

But despite all these, there have been instances of protests and violence by Trump supporters in many areas of the capital city. And this has worried the concerned authorities. There even the FBI has been closely associated in monitoring the current political unrest in the city and jas been suggesting tighter security measures.


Many airlines have banned the consumption of alcohol on flights to avoid any kind of violent activity. Apart from that proper following of COVID-19 restrictions has been made mandatory at hotels. If the visitors don’t abide by the restrictions, strict charges can be taken against them. 

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