What If…? Officially Renewed For Season 2

What if? Is an American animated anthology show based on the Marvel Comics series of the same name produced by AC Bradley for the streaming platform. Disney +. The show looks at different timelines in Multiverse to see what would happen if important events happened otherwise in MCU films.

As an anthology series, it has been Renewal for the second season. Many MCU movie actors reproduce their roles, including Jeffrey Wright as the Watcher, who narrates the series.

The show has received mostly positive reviews, with praise for voice acting and fiction and storytelling, but some criticism for the animation, episode length and scripting. Let’s talk about the next season of this animated series.

What if? Renew for the second season

The show has seemed a bit unfocused in recent episodes. In 2022, One second Nine-episode The season is set to premiere. Winderbaum said what if they? Annually now we can relax and look forward to next season.

Kevin Figueroa, the official head of Marvel, had earlier hinted that what are the aspects of Marvel if? Perhaps Marvel could leap into live-action in the cinematic universe. He made the statement.

“I really believe that deepening fictional myths is a way to appreciate them more, a way to understand them more, a way to look at them differently.”

Adding, “Do they have two seasons of Joe now? Thoughts are running that we have to tell some of the best story ever so you can see the spin in other mediums. It’s really the most beautiful animated series I’ve ever seen. “

All new stories

Not only that, but AC Bradley, the head writer, also had something to say about the upcoming season. He explicitly mentioned an ‘all-new story’.

“Going into the second season, we’re sticking to the anthology format, and it will be All new storiesThis season we’re pulling in a lot more fun, new heroes and Phase Four than we were apparently capable of. Hopefully, we’ll see hints of Eternals and Shang-Chi and Black Widow characters.

Adding, “What if it’s fun? That is, we get to explore the whole infinite multiverse, so we try to bounce as much as possible. I want to play with all these characters, and as much as I love Captain Carter, we have to share that love. I am so excited to show the new world, the new hero.

Of course, no exact date has been announced yet, but we will inform our readers. Tell us what you would like to see in Season 2 of If …?

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